Event Information
-Hikone Castle-Audio Guide-
1 This information is automatic translation. This is information about the talk event "Tatsuya Fujinami's Dragon Talk "where pro wrestler Tatsuya Fujinami,who is a self-proclaimed fan of Hikone Castle,will talk about the charms of Hikone Castle and pro wrestling.The event will be held from 14:00 on February 24th at Hikone City Cultural Plaza.All seats are reserved and the general admission price is 2,100 yen.For inquiries, please call the Hikone City Cultural Plaza Ticket Center.The phone number is 0749-27-5200.
2 This information is automatic translation. This is information about the Zen meditation experience held in the Goshoin, a private facility within Rakurakuen. The event will be held for three days on March 9th, 16th, and 29th. On the 9th and 16th, it will start at 7:30 or 10:00 and last for about an hour. On the 29th, it will start at 17:15 and last for about an hour. The venue is the Goshoin building of the scenic Genkyu Rakurakuen. The participation fee is 3,000 yen for adults and 1,500 yen for elementary school students. For inquiries, please call the Omi Tourism Board. The phone number is 0749-22-5580.
3 This information is automatic translation. This is information about the Hikone Castle Guest Boat, which can be enjoyed at Genkyuen, a former feudal garden where the feudal lord of Hikone Castle once entertained visitors with tea and boats. The boat operates only on weekends and holidays from March 22nd to May 6th. It operates six times a day, every 20 minutes from 1:30 pm. The boarding point is Musashino in Genkyuen. The boarding fee is 1,000 yen per person, and 500 yen for elementary and junior high school students. For inquiries, please contact the Hikone Tourism Association. The phone number is 0749-23-0001.
4 This information is automatic translation. This is information about the Gojoshita market, where Hikone's special products are gathered. The market is held every day from March 15th to May 6th. The market is held in a special tent next to the statue of Ii-tairo in the Konki Children's Park of Hikone Castle. For inquiries, please contact the Hikone Tourism Association. The phone number is 0749-23-0001.
5 This information is automatic translation. This is information about the Hikone Castle Cherry Blossom Festival, which will also light up the cherry blossoms at night during the period when the approximately 1,100 cherry trees around Hikone Castle are in full bloom. The festival will be held from March 28th to April 16th. However, this may change depending on the cherry blossom conditions. The festival will be held around Hikone Castle, mainly around the moat of the castle. For inquiries, please contact the Hikone Tourist Association. The phone number is 0749-23-0001.
3.かつて彦根城藩主がお茶や船などで来客をもてなした旧大名庭園玄宮園で楽しめる彦根城迎賓船についてのご案内です。運行期間は3月22日から5月6日までの内の土日祝のみです。運行時間は13時半から20分ごとに1日6便運航します。乗船場所は玄宮園内武蔵野です。乗船料は1人1,000円、小中学生 500円です。お問い合わせは彦根観光協会までご連絡ください。電話番号は0749-23-0001です。